Facility Policies and Procedures

  • A current Facility Use Agreement (Waiver) is required for access, for any reason, into the climbing and fitness area.
  • All participants must have a day pass or membership or be enrolled in a program, class, or event. Belayers are considered participants, even if they do not plan to climb.
  • Please walk. HSCC is not a place for horseplay. Please refrain from running and jumping, or performing stunts or gymnastic maneuvers on the mats.
  • Always be attentive to your surroundings, and never pass beneath someone climbing above.
  • HSCC insists that no one in the facility behaves in any way that endangers themselves or others.
  • Climbing shoes must not be worn into the restrooms.
  • Food and drink are not permitted in the climbing and fitness area. Water in bottles is permitted, but must stay off the padded flooring. Please be respectful of the furniture.
  • No one will be permitted to use the facility if they are under the influence of any impairing substance. Recent use (hangover) will be considered under the influence.


  • Climbing shoes must be worn while climbing. Kids whose shoe-size is smaller than 11 (our smallest rental shoe) are welcome to climb in whatever they prefer.
  • Only HSCC staff are permitted to teach tying-in, belaying, or other safety skills in the facility. Those violating this rule may be asked to leave.
  • Personal items should be left in lockers or cubbies. Do not climb with things in your pockets!
  • Never walk between a belayer and the wall. Belay within 6’ of the wall to allow others to pass behind you.
  • Assisted-breaking belay devices are required for top rope and lead climbing. See staff for more information.
  • When leading, do not skip clips. Do not climb off-route (across the wall, etc.)
  • Top-roping a lead route (i.e. following) is permitted as long as all quickdraws and BOTH anchors are clipped. The anchors must be opposite and opposed. Both the belayer and climber must be lead certified. See staff for more information.
  • Bouldering is dangerous! You are strongly encouraged to downclimb rather than jump.
  • There is absolutely no topping-out the boulder.
  • Do not leave anything unattended on the pads (water bottle, phone, stick-brush, etc.)
  • Plan ahead – know where your route ends and do not climb above anyone or start a climb that will interfere with someone who is already on the wall.
  • Traversing is permitted, but the right-of-way goes to those who are climbing routes.
  • Bouldering has well established etiquette. Please respect others’ space. Wait your turn. Never offer advice or give a spot unless you have been asked to do so.
  • The padded floor is not a sidewalk. Cross the pads to approach the wall. Please get off the pads to walk along the wall.
  • Climbing is permitted only on those surfaces that are designed for climbing. Participants must not grab, climb on, step on, or in any way interact with the superstructure of the climbing wall or the sides and back of the walls. Also off-limits for climbing are all other parts of the building, including pipes, beams, wires, and non-climbing walls or ledges.

Belaying, Tying In

  • Only those who are belay certified by HSCC staff are permitted to belay in the facility.
  • Everyone who wishes to belay, lead climb, or lead belay at HSCC must gain certification from an authorized staff member, either by completing a course or passing a proficiency test.
  • Belay and/or lead climb proficiency tests must be taken immediately after check-in.
  • Modern belay methods, as recommended by the equipment manufacturers, must be observed at all times.
  • Harnesses must be UIAA or CE approved for sport climbing, and must be within 8 years of the date of manufacture. Personal equipment, such as belay devices, must be manufactured specifically for climbing.
  • HSCC requires that climbers tie-in using only a figure-eight-follow-through attached to their harness following harness manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • Children under the age of twelve are not permitted to belay at HS.

Children at HS

  • Children under the age of four are invited to climb for free with a paying adult. Children under four must be closely supervised: a parent or guardian must be within arm’s reach at all times.
  • When kids climb without a rope, they are strongly encouraged to limit the maximum height of their climbs to well below the top of the boulder.
  • HSCC recommends, and may require, that one adult supervises no more than two children at one time. •
  • Kids ages 5-11 must be within eyesight of a parent or guardian at all times.
  • Kids ages 11 and under must be supervised when using the auto belay devices. This means that parents or legal guardians are responsible for double-checking the attachment points before each climb.
  • Participants age 12 and up are permitted to belay, pending staff approval. Use of an assisted-braking device is required.
  • Participants age 12 and up are permitted to lead climb only with their parent or legal guardian belaying, pending approval by staff.
  • Participants age 14 and up are permitted to lead belay and lead climb, pending approval by staff. Use of an assisted-braking device is required.
  • Participants age 14 and up are permitted to independently use the auto belay devices, pending approval by staff.

Fitness Area

  • No one under the age of six is permitted in the fitness area (on any part of the rubber floor) for any reason.
  • Anyone age 7-16 who wishes to use the fitness equipment must be accompanied by an adult who is also in the fitness area, and must have a written workout plan. Whiteboards are provided for this purpose.
  • Please return equipment after use. Wipe down anything you touch with the wipes provided.
  • Equipment will occasionally be reserved for a class or program. Please respect these reservations.
  • Please be courteous to others waiting to use the equipment.
  • Chalk in buckets is provided for participants of fitness classes or training programs for use while lifting. Chalk for climbing is available in the retail area.

High Steppe Climbing Staff have sole discretion to enforce these policies. Rules are nonnegotiable. Belay privileges can be revoked at any time. Anyone who chooses to disregard these rules will be asked to leave.

Updated: May 2023

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